Termite Control During The Wet Season

Termites are a massive problem in Queensland and impact roughly one in five Australian homes while causing around $100-million in damages each year. Townsville’s warm, humid, subtropical climate is perfect for these wood-devouring pests, which can wreak havoc on your home if you don’t have a termite control program in place. Although termites may seem indestructible when infesting homes, they are actually fragile creatures that need certain amounts of moisture, protection, and heat to survive. In order to understand what attracts termites to your home, it is important to understand what food sources and environments they thrive on.

The wet season prompts swarms of alates

Termites are small insects with sizes between 0.6 – 1.2 cm that can be found almost anywhere. In the wet season, homeowners may see swarms of winged termites, called alates. Alates are also known as reproductives that have a sole purpose to start new colonies and become the future king and queen. Since termites need moist soil to thrive, newly dampened ground, palm trees, tree stumps, or even rotten wood is an environmental cue for alates to begin their mating process. Once the male and female alates pair off, they shed their wings and burrow underground to begin their own nests. Since rain will dampen wood, they will have enough nourishment to begin reproducing and increase the population of their colony. This can lead to an out-of-control infestation.

When should I look out for alate termites?

Swarming seasons vary based on region, though flying termites typically begin to appear in early spring or beginning of summer. If you live in North Queensland, the swarming season is happening right now! Alates don’t fly very well and usually travel no more than about 100 metres from their original colony. Because of this, if you see termite swarmers in or around your house, they are likely swarming from somewhere nearby.

If you have a termite problem on your property in Townsville, Contact Townsville Termite and Pest Control.

Termite control in Townsville

Termites can’t retain water because they lack an internal circulatory system. They absorb it from their food and moisture in the air, meaning they’ll be attracted to anything that has higher humidity levels. These are usually places where there is a lot of wood or other organic material for them to eat and drink from. As Townsville is so dry, alates are attracted to the moisture points around the house, such as air conditioners, downpipe, leaks, and other excessive moisture areas. By controlling the moisture in your home, you can prevent the infestation of termites.

Need termite control in Townsville? Contact us today.

What to do if you find termites – Termite Inspection Townsville

If you see signs of termites, don’t take any chances, and contact us today! Your home is a large investment worth protecting, especially from termite damage! If you find termites on your property, it’s important not to disrupt them as they will scatter. Our team can conduct a professional termite inspection in Townsville, by examining your home or business for any visual signs of termite infestation. Once the termites have been located, we can treat and destroy the nest. We have a variety of treatment options available based on your individual needs, in terms of construction of the building and the environment. Our termite management treatments include Termidor Foam, Dry and Liquid.

Our termite inspections also come with a detailed report that includes recommendations to reduce moisture points and conducive conditions to deter termites.

Do you need a termite inspection in Townsville? Contact us today.

Merry Christmas from your local termite Townsville specialists

Our team at Townsville Termite and Pest Control would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We would also like to thank our clients for their continued support throughout 2021! Our office will be closed from December 25th – January 3rd. We look forward to seeing you all in 2022 for all of your pest and termite control needs.

Want to learn more about Townsville Termite and Pest Control’s services? Contact us today.